Report an unlisted town or variety

Please include the following information in all reports:

      EXACT spelling in meter stamp townmark, including spaces and punctuation.
      Meter number.
      Any other useful information (date, any postmarks on item, etc.)
      Your name and e-mail address.
      Your Meter Stamp Society membership number.

      For all Mailed From Zip Code, APO, and FPO townmarks, please send
      a photocopy of the item to P.O. Box 2009, Cridersville OH 45806,
      instead of using e-mail.

      Non-MSS members should send photocopies of new items to 
      P.O. Box 2009, Cridersville OH 45806.  

E-Mail report to Alan Draves.

When using the e-mail link above, You will need to replace the "_AT_" in the e-mail address with "@" before sending the message.

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Copyright © Alan Draves 1999