Winona, Minnesota

2001 Flood

Winona Floodwall
The floodwall kept the city of Winona from flooding.

Winona is built on a sandbar along the Mississippi River. During the 1965 flood, Winona was saved by a temporary dike and sandbags. After that flood, the city built a permanent dike and floodwall, which kept the city from flooding in 2001.

2001 flood crest: 20.08 feet, April 17, 2001. Flood damage: Possible basement flooding from seepage in some neighborhoods. Floodwater will seep through the sandy soil under the dike and into low lying parts of town. Dike and floodwall prevented major damage. Without the dike, much of Winona would have flooded.

The river was at about 19.35 feet when these photos were taken April 30. This was close to the second crest.

All photos on this page copyright © Alan and Mary Ann Draves.

The floodwall in Levee Park. Object in the water is a park bench.
Winona floodwall

Levee Park and the floodwall.

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Winona links

Winona Daily News
Winona Post Online Visitor Guide
Winona Convention and Visitor's Bureau
River Roads - Winona
2001 Flood - Fountain City WI

This page maintained by Alan Draves.